Need a getaway?

I can't even count the number of times I look at my e-mail, text, and talk on my phone during the day. Although I try to always begin my day with prayer and meditation, I'll admit that some days I get pulled into working the minute I get out of bed. Don't get me wrong--I love what I do. But sometimes I feel like I'm continually going, going, going. Know the feeling?

Last week I went to Cabo with my daughters. I didn't take my phone, check my e-mail, or look at a clock the entire time I was there. It was the first time in a very long time that I completely unplugged and relaxed and it was incredible!

It was absolutely beautiful and the weather was perfect--about 80 degrees with mild humidity. Other than going whale watching (wow--was that amazing!), taking a walk on the beach, and going to restaurants in town a couple of times--we just relaxed. As in did nothing. We reclined and watched the waves, sat in the hot tub, talked and laughed, and read a little. We took workout clothes but how silly was that?

It was one time that I stayed completely present. I didn't think about anything going on at home or work. All I thought about was if I felt like eating ceviche or shrimp or if I wanted to recline by the pool or the ocean. We didn't want to come home. It just didn't seem long enough. And it made me realize how much I was longing for being still in nature. It was so healing. We can't always get on a plane (darn it) but I think it's doable and important to carve out quiet time to spend doing nothing.

Do you usually eat your lunch as you sit at your computer working? How about actually taking a lunch hour? What a concept! Maybe go to a park or somewhere quiet and truly relax. Either silence your phone (and don't look at it!) or leave it at the office. Is the mere thought of this making you feel a little anxious? 🙂

I invite you to unplug, take some deep breaths, and relax a little.  Your busy life will be there when you get back.  🙂



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