New year--better choices!

I think many of us view the New Year as a brand new start—a time to put into practice the things we have been intending to do, not having time to do, and feeling guilty about not doing. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to wake up on January 1st and begin our lives anew…like getting to the gym five times a week for an hour when we haven’t even seen the place in five years. Or dropping fifteen pounds in the month of January after having been on a food-eating frenzy over the holidays, right up to and including December 31st!

It all sounds stressful to me. Not that working out, eating healthier, and dropping some extra pounds isn’t a really good idea—but I like to ease into things a little more gently – like learning to ride a bike with training wheels rather than just jumping on the bike and pedaling until you crash into the bushes up ahead. That’s actually how I learned to ride a bike (and how I’ve learned a few other things in my life). J I survived some repeated head-on crashes and I eventually learned, but I suffered a lot of cuts and bruises I could have avoided!

Sometimes you need a little help—a little support.

If you’ve gotten off track with your health and weight loss goals and you want some help to get you where you want to go, I’ll make it as painless as possible--I promise. If you aren’t ready to give up a certain food or your wine with dinner…don’t worry. We’ll work around it. If you stick with me I’ll get you back on track and moving in the right direction…painlessly. Best of all I’ll help you change your relationship with food along the way so you don’t gain those extra pounds back after you lose them.

I love a good sale, don’t you? So, I’ll even sweeten the deal. Call me to schedule your appointment by the end of January and I’ll take 50% off your first appointment.

In our intensive 90-minute appointment we’ll dig deep and discuss your goals, challenges, health history, lifestyle habits, and health concerns. We’ll create a personalized weight loss and wellness plan and even if you decide not to come back for another appointment you’ll walk out the door with steps you can put into place immediately that will put you on a path to reaching your goals.

C’mon, let’s do this thing!





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