What if You Could Do it Differently?

The holidays are right around the corner--which often includes parties, overindulging, weight gain and feeling guilty. You might decide “what the heck--it’s only once a year!” You eat and drink everything in sight and promise yourself you’ll start a diet the first of the year. You might as well eat all you want and get it out of your system because you’re going to be cut off soon! But January 2nd doesn’t really work to start your diet because you have all those leftovers, and January 3rd doesn’t work because you haven’t had time to shop for healthy foods, and, and... Ever been there?

What if you did it differently this year?

What if you could enjoy the festivities (and the food!) without feeling deprived, gaining weight or feeling out of control? Sound impossible? Nope! In the weeks to come I’ll show you how.

Let’s face it--life’s busy and we always seem to be in a hurry. We’re often so busy thinking about what we have to do next we don’t pay attention to what we’re doing in the present...and that includes eating.

Do you ever find yourself eating while you’re standing in front of the refrigerator looking for something to eat? Or have you ever been eating a plate of snacks as you work on your computer and when you reach to get more you discover the plate is empty?  What?! 

When you don’t slow down and pay attention to what you’re eating, you miss the whole tactile, enjoyable experience! This can leave you unsatisfied and wanting more. Your stomach may be full but your brain missed the whole darn thing!

Try this with me if you have a minute. Begin by taking a couple of deep, slow breaths. Bring the breath all the way down into your belly, and then let it fill your chest. If you breathe in to the count of five, breathe out to the count of five. Take two or three of these slow, relaxed, breaths. Can you feel the difference?  It's like instant relaxation!

You can do this even if you’re out eating with friends. No one will think you’re crazy! You’re just breathing!  Taking a couple of deep breaths will help you bring your attention out of your head and into your body.  It's just where you want to be to digest, assimilate, and enjoy your food!  

More to come next week! Stay with me and I’ll show you how to change your relationship with food--one step at a time! 



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