I hate feeling deprived, don't you?

I mean just the thought of having to give up something I love makes me want to run the other direction--holding onto my chocolate with all my might as I quickly stuff it in my mouth.

When I think of a diet, I think of pain--and having to give up everything I love to eat. It’s like having all of my favorite foods on the table right in front of me, but I can’t eat any of it. No thank you, I’ll just have a side salad with a little vinegar on it. Really? If that isn’t torture, I don’t know what is.

Many of us torture ourselves like that again and again. No wonder we put off starting a diet! I’ll start right after the party Saturday night...well wait, I forgot about the wedding in two weeks--better wait until that’s over...oh, there’s no way I can start this thing with that dinner coming up!

I’ll bet you can relate, huh? It feels like all or none. Either you’re on the diet, or you’re off. And who in the heck would want to jump back on the deprivation train? Pleasure or pain...let me think...

What if you actually manage to stay on your diet long enough to drop some weight? By the end of it you’re more than sick of the food you’ve been forcing yourself to eat every day and you’re dying to eat all of the foods you’ve been craving. There’s a reason 98% of everyone who goes on a diet gains it back (and then some) within a year!

But what if you could do it another way? What if you could actually learn to eat in a way that was nourishing for your body and pleasurable at the same time? Bet you can’t wait to hear more!


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