Do You Inhale Your Food?

Last week I invited you to try taking a couple of slow, deep breaths before taking your first bite of food. Did you try it? Breathing will help you relax and be present while eating rather than mindlessly eating too much because you don’t feel satisfied. Here’s the next step…

Have you ever inhaled your food? Or maybe you just know someone who has?  🙂  Part of the reason may be because you’ve waited too long to eat—but maybe it’s just a habit. Next time you eat try this: With your first bite of food notice how it looks and fully take in the aroma. As you chew pay attention to how it feels in your mouth. Is it warm, cold, smooth, crunchy, creamy, or crisp? Observe the flavors that are released as you chew. Is it salty, sweet, spicy, or savory?

Chew it well and really taste it. Don’t rush the experience! Now swallow it. Take another bite but don’t be in a hurry. Savor it. Enjoy it. Allow it to be a sensual experience. Put your fork down between bites. There’s no hurry—and no one is going to take away or eat your food. (If somebody attempts to take your food just jab them with your fork)!

If you’re eating a piece of chocolate try letting it melt in your mouth rather than chewing it. If you normally eat your lunch in 15 minutes, try stretching it to 20 minutes. When you finish eating you’ll know you just ate—or rather, that you just dined!  And guess what? You won’t be nearly as tempted to overeat. You’ll be satisfied and satiated with smaller portions. You can eat a smaller amount—knowing that if you’d like, you can eat more later. There’s no need to worry about a lack of food. Take a deep breath and know that you’ll always get what you need!

If you’d like to explore how to have a healthy relationship with food and your body, sign up for a complimentary wellness strategy session by emailing me at: or calling 303-905-5007.

I look forward to working with you!








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